Hello friends!
Good news to report. I'm feeling much better :). I can't even express how thankful I am for my health and ability to LIVE after being stuck inside next to the toilet for 4 months. Thank you, God. I've even been able to enjoy two of my favorite Mexican places in the past few days...and that was the last type of food I thought I'd ever be able to eat during this pregnancy.
Well we had our first appointment a few weeks ago and everything seemed to be going great! Baby had a heart rate of 146, which is in the normal range. We're thankful for that. And in 4 short weeks we will be finding out if we're having a boy or a girl! And we've finally agreed on a male and female name, which I thought may never happen because Alex is terribly picky.
The weather here in Kansas is finally warm and spring-like, thankfully. Hopefully mother nature will allow it to stay that way and not try to sneak any more winter in on us. Alex has had some true spring weather down in Alabama, fully equipped with tornadoes and the whole she-bang. Nothing too serious yet though, thank goodness...and he is safe and well!
In three weeks Anita and I will be heading down to GA for an Easter visit with Alex and then we'll move on to Florida where I have full control over deciding what our house for the next 9 months will look like. HAHA! Don't worry, Alex has SOME say, but I just like feeling the power since he can't come with us to house hunt, lol. I have to keep him scared, right? :) What fun would it be otherwise?
I'm also to the point where my normal jeans and tighter shirts are not fitting as comfortably, so if any of you have maternity clothes/size large shirts or jeans bigger than a 7/8 I would be eternally grateful to you if you could pass them on to me. Maternity clothing is so expensive and I hate the idea of spending a ton on something I'll only be in for a few months. Thanks in advance!
Well that's all that comes to mind for now. Hopefully I'll be seeing some of you soon since I'm feeling well again! Have a wonderful week!
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