Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One day at a time

Well we've been here in Washington state for a few months now. We are still really enjoying it and we have some exciting things coming up!

We are in the process of closing on a house, which we're very ready for! We should be able to move in by the end of the month!

Spencer is still growing so fast we can't believe it! She has had to upgrade her favorite chair to one that supports more weight as she is one plump girl! haha :). She's finally getting a better sleep schedule and she's eating a ton of baby food! She can sit unassisted and she LOVES the water! She splashes up a storm during tubby time...we really can't wait to get her a little pool this summer! She's almost 7 months old already and it's time to upgrade her carseat as well. Her feet dangle over the edge!! She's growing like a weed! She's also learned to wiggle around in her crib at night so when I go to get her in the morning she's never quite where I left her the night before haha.

Spencer's Mimi (Alex's mom) is coming to visit tomorrow and will be with us for Easter. We're so glad she'll be here to celebrate Spence's first Easter with us! We plan on some shopping in Seattle, hiking in the canyon and plenty of strolls outside in the spring weather. :)

My good friend, Lauren and her baby, Paxton will be visiting in May and we couldn't be more excited. Paxton was Spencer's first playdate! :)

Alex loves his EOD job. The unit had a bbq yesterday so I was able to meet a lot more wives/gfs! We're finally getting comfortable and fully settled here. Alex had a small re-enlistment ceremony yesterday as well, 4 more years! We're looking forward to the next few years!! :)